Who doesn't know Ranu Mandal of Ranaghat in India. He is a very familiar face on social media. Ranu Mandal became an overnight star after a video of a song posted by a young man went viral on Facebook. Whatever he does after that, the netizens have taken it in stride. This time his name has come up in the net again. Ranu Mandal danced to Pushpa's song wearing lungi like southern star Allu Arjun.
After its release, the southern Indian movie 'Pushpa: The Rise' took the world by storm. The movie is at the center of industry discussions right now. Pushpar's dialogue is circulating in people's mouths. Even the dance of Allu in Pushpa's song has caught everyone's attention. Everyone from eight to eighty is busy making dance videos like Pushpa. This time Ranu Mandal announced his presence in that list. Recently, a video of her dancing went viral.
Ranu Mandal reached Bollywood from Ranaghat station thanks to social media singing songs by legendary musician Lata Mangeshkar. The next time it goes viral, it's like a dream come true for Ranu Mandal. One song was introduced to everyone. Bengali and Hindi speaking people all over the world were fascinated to hear Ranu Mandal's songs. Various people from different parts of the world have also helped Ranu Mandal. But in the cruel irony of fate, he had to return to that station again. Spending an inhuman life.
Incidentally, Telugu superstar Allu Arjun, known as 'Icon Star', is in the title role of the movie 'Pushpa: The Rise'. Rashmika Mandana has tied the knot with him for the first time. There is also Malayalam star Fahad Fasil. Samantha Ruth Prabhu danced appealingly to the movie item song.
The story of the movie 'Pushpa' revolves around the illegal trade of precious red sandalwood. The movie has been released in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi. On the third day of its release, 'Pushpa: The Rise' has set a new record by trading around Rs 100 crore worldwide. The movie is being released in two episodes. This time waiting for the second episode.