India is stunned by the death of legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar. News of his death on Sunday (January 6th) sent shockwaves through the country. However, Amitabh Bachchan was not seen at the funeral of this singer. Khabar Anandabazar newspaper.
Lata has sung in many of his films till now. In that sense, their relationship has gone beyond professional boundaries to personal friendships. Though actors like Shah Rukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor were seen at Lata's funeral, Avitabh was absent.
It is learned that Amitabh did not attend the funeral of Lata at Shivaji Park keeping in mind the health condition of Corona. Before that, though, he went to Lata's house. Amitabh also met his family there and expressed his condolences.
A person close to the actor told the media that Amitabh Bachchan had gone to Lataji's house. Talked to his family. But in the current situation, keeping his health in mind, he did not attend the funeral in the crowd.