Your site adheres to adsense program policies ?

AdSense Program Policies

01. Invalid clicks and impressions

Publishers may not use any means to artificially inflate impressions or clicks with their own ad clicks or manual methods.

Clicks on Google ads are, of course, the result of actual user interest. Any method of creating artificial clicks or impressions on your Google ads is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include, but are not limited to, the use of repetitive manual clicks or impressions, automated click and impression generating tools, and robotic or fraudulent software. Please note that clicking on your own ad is prohibited for any reason.

02. Content policies

Publishers should not place AdSense code on pages with content that violates the Google Publisher Policy. Doing so may result in suspension or termination of your account (s).

Publishers may place AdSense code on pages in content that is within the scope of the Google Publisher Restrictions, although this written content will receive less advertising than other, non-restricted content.

03. Encouraging clicks or views (non-rewarded inventory)

Publishers other than award-winning lists may not want others to click or view their ads or use fraudulent implementation methods to gain clicks or views. This includes, but is not limited to, the payment of compensation to third parties for viewing advertisements promising to raise money for such conduct or for placing images next to individual advertisements or for conducting the search.

To ensure a better experience for users and advertisers, publishers participating in the AdSense program may not:

Compensate users for viewing ads or performing searches, or promise to compensate third parties for such behavior.

Encourage users to click on Google ads using phrases such as "click ads", "support us", "view these links" or other similar languages.

Direct user attention to ads using arrows or other graphical gimmicks.

Place misleading images alongside individual ads.

Place ads in floating box scripts.

Format ads so that they stand out from the rest of the content on that page.

Format the content of the site so that it is difficult to distinguish it from the ads

Place misleading labels on top of the Google Ad Unit. For example, ads may be labeled as "sponsored links" or "ads" but not "favorite sites" or "today's top offers".

04. Authorized inventory (ads.txt)

If AdSense publishers choose to use ad.txt on their domains, those publishers must ensure that they are included in that list as authorized vendors. For more information, see Who is authorized to sell your listing, including Advertising.STST.

05. Abusive experiences

Publishers may not place Google ads on sites with objectionable experiences. See the Offensive Experience page for more information.

06. Traffic sources

Google ads cannot be placed on pages that receive traffic from certain sources. For example, publishers may not participate in paid-click programs, send unsolicited emails or display advertisements as a result of the actions of a software application. Also, using online advertising, publishers must ensure that their pages comply with Google's landing page quality guidelines.

To ensure a positive experience for Internet users and Google advertisers, Google Advertising sites may not:

Use third-party services that generate clicks or impressions, such as paid-to-click, paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, and click-exchange programs.

Promote unsolicited mass emails or unsolicited ads on third-party websites.

Display Google ads, search boxes, or search results as a function of software applications, such as a toolbar.

Load with software that can trigger pop-ups, redirect users to unwanted websites, modify browser settings, or otherwise interfere with site navigation. It is your responsibility to ensure that no ad network or authorized organization uses this method to manage traffic to pages containing your AdSense code.

The site receives traffic from online advertising without following Google's landing page quality guidelines. For example, users should be able to easily find what your ad promises.

07. Ad behavior

Publishers are permitted to make changes to the AdSense ad code unless these changes artificially perform advertising or harm advertisers. Please see the Change AdSense Ad Code for more information.

08. Ad placement

Publishers are encouraged to experiment with different placements and ad formats. However, the AdSense code cannot be placed in inappropriate places like pop-ups, emails, or software. Publishers must adhere to the principles of each product used. Please see our Advertising Policy article for more information.

Google ads, search boxes, or search results may not be:

Integrates into any kind of software application (not applicable to AdMob) including toolbars.

A page with Google ads, search boxes, or search results appears in a pop-up or pop-under that loads in a pop-up or pop-under.

In emails or email, messages are the primary focus where pages are placed.

Pages were dynamically generated content (such as live chat, instant messenger, or auto-refresh comments) is the primary focus of the page.

Blocked by elements on a page.

The location of the ad, such as under buttons or adjacent or any other object, interferes with the user's normal interaction with the application or ad.

Has been placed on any non-content-based page. (Does not apply AdSense for Search or Mobile AdSense for Search))

Advertising is placed on specially published pages for the purpose of showing.

Due to the misuse of logos, trademarks, or other brand features, content or URLs that are related to Google may be misleading to the user.

That product or service is placed within or with other Google products or services in a manner that violates the policy.

Content is placed on pages that frame. Framing content is when a site or application displays someone else's site in a frame or window without the permission of the content owners.


09. Technical requirements

To help you provide a quality user experience, Google has developed technical features for sites to display Google ads. We only allow sites that comply with these technical features. Please review below for detailed technical requirements:

Use supported languages

Google Publisher products do not support all languages. Applications for participating in these programs may be for content sites in the following languages.

Format requirements

Web philosophy

AdSense for Content (AFC) and Ad Exchange (AdX) display ads are not supported by all review technologies. App developers wishing to monetize AFC and AdX Display ads through Webview must use one of the following supported viewing frames:

Android: Chrome Custom Tab

IOS: SFSFarview controller (iOS 9 and iOS 10 only)

Google AdMob and AdX in-app ads may appear on an app next to WebView until Google Mobile Ads is used in SDK and the publisher complies with all other AdSense program policies.

10. Site behavior

Sites featuring Google ads should be easy for users to navigate. Sites may not alter user preferences, redirect users to unwanted websites, initiate downloads, include malware, or include pop-ups or pop-unders that interfere with site navigation.

11. Identifying users and user consent.

Google must not give you any information:

Google may use or identify personally identifiable information; Or

Which permanently identifies a specific device (such as the unique device identifier of a mobile phone if such an identifier cannot be reset).

You must not use Google AdSense to merge personally identifiable information with strong information without prior notice and to facilitate the merging of personally identifiable information and this merger must be done with the user's prior genuine (opt-in) consent.

You must comply with the EU User Consent Policy.

12. Google Advertising Cookies

AdSense publishers must have and adhere to a privacy policy that discloses that third parties are placing and reading cookies in your user's browsers or using web beacons to collect information as a result of serving ads on your website. Learn more about preparing your privacy policy.

13. Privacy

You must explicitly disclose the collection, sharing, and use of any data that may occur on any site, application, or other property as a result of your use of the Google Advertising Services. In order to comply with this disclosure of Google's data usage, you have the option to display a prominent link to how Google uses the data when you use our partners' sites or applications.

14. Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

If you use a Google advertising service on any section or section of a site under the Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), (a) you must notify Google of the use of the tools provided or the sections of the site covered by the COPA found here: COPPA or the methods of application described here: Targeting, and (b) you must not use interest-based advertising (including re-marketing) to target you: (i) past or present on sites indicated by users under 13 or (ii) under age Activities known to you as past or present activities past 13 years.

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