Early Death Sign: Fear of premature death? Learn how to delay death

No one can say birth-death-marriage. However, doctors have recently been able to predict death by looking at certain symptoms.

Own report
: There is no such thing as a bitter death. No one can know death in advance, no one can avoid it.

Doctors, however, have come up with a way of estimating the time of the ever-unknown death.

A survey of 2,900 people over the age of 60 has been conducted. It is published in the Journal of Gerontology. All they were asked was how tired they were of planting trees, walking for half an hour, or doing housework!

The bottom line is that those who get tired or short of breath while doing this kind of housework have a higher risk of premature death. They are more likely to die prematurely. This means that they will die at a younger age than average.

The risk of death is alarming for those who are prone to illness or fatigue. As a result, they have to be a little careful. They need to keep in touch with the doctor frequently. They also need to increase their immunity.

How to do it?

Medical experts say that it is best for people at risk of death to walk for about 15 minutes to half an hour. If possible, do a little yoga every morning or evening for half an hour. All of these people should eat foods that are healthy, easily digested. Their body needs to get enough rest. Spend time with family. If you can, you have to go to a new place. As a result, not only the body but also the mind is good. Both body and mind are strengthened. Immunity is created in the body.

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