What Is Coronavirus?


Following the outbreak of the coronavirus, the World Health Organization declared it a global epidemic on March 11, 2020. Due to its infection, the number of infected people is increasing day by day. In the absence of proper medication, the number of infected people has been cut off.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued many important guidelines for its prevention. Which we can follow in our lives to protect ourselves from being infected with Kovid-19. When a person is infected with the coronavirus, its symptoms are not immediately known, it takes a long time to detect. Let us understand this in more detail.

What is coronavirus?
This deadly virus originated in the city of Wuhan in neighboring China. When the epidemic slowly began to take a deadly form, some experts looked at it with a microscope, its size was as visible as the land of the king. The virus infects humans by transmitting the virus from one person to another.

What are the symptoms of coronavirus?

It is a virus whose symptoms cannot be detected immediately in an infected person, it takes about 14 days to detect. This is why it is important that if you return home from an infected area or after a trip abroad, you should keep yourself away from other people for at least 14 days in this situation.

After 14 days, if you see that you do not have any kind of health problem, but you are perfectly healthy, you are not infected with this disease. Here are some common symptoms of coronavirus.

  • Having a cough
  • Having a fever
  • Having a cold
  • Stiffness and pain in the body
  • Feeling tired all-day
  • Weakness of breath
  • Sore throat

Important information about coronavirus

In addition to these major symptoms, acute respiratory syndrome, pneumonia, kidney failure, and death in an infected person are also possible if the level of infection is high.

Can coronavirus only affect men, are women not at risk of coronavirus?

The people of our country also hold a lot of superstition in themselves. Many in India say that where the coronavirus is affecting only men, women have been spared. Not at all sir, coronavirus infection is equally seen in women and men. That is why you should not believe in any kind of superstition. If you see someone who is spreading superstition, you can report it to your nearest police station.

How does coronavirus spread?

The size of the coronavirus is so small that it cannot be seen in general. To see this, we need to use a microscope, then the virus is seen in a very fine form. When an infected person coughs, spits, or sneezes, it spreads subtly into the air, and then the virus spreads through the air, infecting another person. The virus travels directly to your lungs through your nose, ears, and mouth.

At what age do people die from the coronavirus?

The pain of dying from coronavirus is as follows.

  • 0 percent mortality in children up to 9 years
  • 0-2% mortality in people up to 10-39 years
  • 0-4% in 40-49-year-olds
  • 1-3 percent of people aged 50-59
  • 3-6 percent of people up to 60-69 years
  • 3.6% of people aged 60-69
  • 8% of 70-79-year-olds
  • 14-6% of people over 80 years of age
In older people, the body's immune system is weakened by age. In addition, the risk of coronavirus is greatly increased in people who are already battling a serious illness.

What are the first few misconceptions about coronavirus?

People in our country do not know how many misconceptions are spread about small things. I don't know how many people lost their lives because of all these misconceptions. Let's find out about the old virus in India, what is the provincial spread.

  • The virus stays away by drinking alcohol.
  • The coronavirus will die from the hand dryer
  • Ultraviolet light
  • Body spray with alcohol and chlorine
  • Pets can spread coronavirus
  • The pneumonia vaccine may release new coronavirus (Covid-19)
  • The coronavirus only affects children and the elderly
  • Coronavirus to avoid eating garlic
  • Coronavirus (Covid-19) will stay away from sesame oil
  • Prevent corona with antibiotics
Don't pay attention to these kinds of misconceptions. Because getting involved with them can cause a lot of loss of life. Just remember the guidelines issued by your doctors and the government of our country.

What can prevent coronavirus?

As we have already shown, those who have high immunity can fight diseases like the coronavirus. That is why you should take special care of your diet to protect yourself to avoid this epidemic.

You can take nutritious food to increase your immunity. In addition to these, there are other ways to prevent the coronavirus which are listed below.

There is a risk of coronavirus touching any object, so if you touch any object, wash your hands or sanitize.
Today, you need to wash your hands with soap for at least 30 seconds.
Stay at least 5 to 6 feet away from other people.
Use a mask and gloves when leaving home or meeting someone else.
You only come out of the house when it is very important.
Whenever you buy something from the market and bring it home, wash it thoroughly first and only then use it.
Don't order your home items from outsiders.
When you see a suspicious person, keep your distance from him, do not try to approach him.
Never make a long journey in this difficult situation.


The government of our country and the Ministry of Health have issued several guidelines for the prevention of coronavirus. In such cases, you can stay safe from coronavirus by following the guidelines for your own protection.

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