Biography of Gautam Buddha || Gautam Buddha Biography

Gautama Buddha, the proponent of Buddhism, was not only a preacher but also a great philosopher. Through numerous historical researches and reviews we have gained various sources of information about his life. Buddhadeva said, how can man get peace in his life. This peace requires non-violence, truthfulness, love for people and equality. There are still many Buddhists and devotees in this world. We are fortunate that Gautama Buddha was born in our country India.

Gautama Buddha appeared in Kapilabastu, near Nepal, 563 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Par's father was Suddhodhana, the king of Kapilabastu, and his mother was Mayadevi. He was born on the full moon day of the month of Baishakh.

As a child his name was Siddhartha. At a very young age he lost his mother Mayadevi. His mother-in-law Mahapranjabati Gautami took charge of his upbringing. So Siddhartha's other name is Gautam. Again he was called Shakyamuni as he was a child of Shakya dynasty.

In his youth he entered married life. His wife's name is Yashodhara. Yashodhara was also called Gopa.

Gautam has been a thinker since childhood. All the time people are engrossed in the thoughts of sorrow and pain. His only dedication to the Absolute Man is - who needs to know how to get rid of this sorrow, pain, guilt and despair.

In this context, we need to keep in mind that the essence of the religion introduced by Gautama Buddha has been present in the civilization and religion of our country since ancient times. Buddha gave his newly integrated form. Buddhist monks say that Lord Buddha appeared on this earth more than fifty-five times before. Gautama Buddha was his last appearance. Every time he has benefited the people through encouragement and advice and blessings. We have found the name of the original Buddha in Lalit Bistar.

These are Paddattor, Dharmoketu, Dipankar, Gunketu, Mahakar, Hrishikar, Rishidev, Sriteja, Satyaketu, Vajrasanghat, Sarvabibhu, Hemborn, Atyuchgami, Prabatsar, Puspaketu, Barrup, Sulochana, Rishigtu, Rishigt, Mars Shikhi, Vishwambhu, Kenkamuni, Kashyap, Bipashchit, Sampujit, Crookchhed etc.

However, seeing Gautam's disinterest in the world, at the age of 18 he was given in marriage to a beautiful princess named Yashodhara. But still Siddhartha did not become alive in family life. Man's old age and death kept him thinking all the time. Eventually, Siddhartha became frightened when a son named Rahul was born in the womb of his wife Yashodhara - realizing that he would be bound by the illusions of the world. So Siddhartha broke that bond and left home.

He first appeared in Bihar. From there he traveled to different parts of North India. He met many saints and monks. Be attracted to the unique pursuits of the great saints. He became a disciple of two famous saints, Aarar Kalam and Rudrak. Then he moved to Gaya. There he sat under a Bodhi tree and began his long penance. He vowed that he would not leave the tree without success in his pursuit. He succeeded in spite of many physical obstacles and difficulties. Then his name was Buddha. This day of Siddhilav was the full moon of Baishakhi. Buddha was then 35 years old.

After attaining Siddhi, Gautama first appeared in Rishipatam to preach Buddhism. This sage is now known as Sarnath. Here he initiates five of his acquaintances. The names of those five monks are Kaudrnya, Ashvajit, Bopra, Bhaddiya and Mahanam. This event is known as Dharmachakra in Buddhist society. Buddha told them four great truths. They are as follows:

The first truth - sorrow is inherent in human life. After a sorrow comes another, then another, that is, the embarrassment is the most recent of all.

The second truth is that the root cause of human misery and despair is greed for material possessions, and this poisonous tooth of temptation in the human heart continues to grow.

The third truth is that it is man's responsibility to eradicate that poisonous tooth.

The fourth truth - the main goal of man should be nirvana gain nirvana gain. How Nirvana is possible, Buddha found a way for him. It is possible for a human being to be liberated by following these eight ways.

Samyak Drishti - To be aware of the four types of truth and truthfulness.

Determination - Achieving a heart full of unselfish friendship and compassion.

Adequate sentences - use significant sentences with honesty and love.

Samyak Karma - showing kindness to the living, maintaining generosity in behavior and keeping the character flawless.

Adequate livelihood - Livelihood by performing actions honestly.

Absolutely reckless - always thinking.

Absolute status - not to be jealous of others, not to gossip.

Samyak Samadhi - Keeping thoughts focused on good thoughts by removing the effect of lust.

Buddha did not say anything about the existence of God. He was against idolatry. As a result, the conflict between Hindu Brahmanism and Buddhism was inevitable. Buddhadeva used to say that the destruction of the one who was born through decay is undeniable. During this time, the one who can practice the true religion, but he will not have to return to this sad world.

Buddhadeva traveled extensively in his life and preached the religion. He did not stay in one place for long. Only during the monsoon season did they stay in one place for four consecutive months. He showed the way of deliverance to many endangered persons,

He calms many restless minds.

King Bhimsa was initiated by Buddha. When Buddha went to Kapilabastu, his son Rahul, his wife, Bhritta and the barber became his disciples. At the age of 60, he was walking from Vaishali to Kushinagar. On the way he fell ill and was killed. Probably left the body of Buddha in 460 BC.

Mallagan cremated Buddha's body. The Buddhists collected his remains and built ten stupas in ten places and tried to preserve those remains inside the stupas.

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