Tufan and his Craftsmanship

Craftsmanship is the first language, and is maybe one of the more instinctive approaches to communicating feelings and thoughts, all things considered, antiquated humankind decided to paint and draw on caves much before they created language or contents.

It is the very impulse for articulation and association that drives the youthful craftsman Tufan Chakma, the individual behind Tufan's Artbin.

"Individuals utilize different means to communicate their feelings, some sing, some sort out fights, and such. I felt as I was unable to sing, or I am not ordinarily a speaker or an artist, but rather craftsmanship and drawing have consistently drawn in me. In spite of the fact that without formal preparation, I was appended all of the time to workmanship since youth," he said.

Tufan is presently an understudy of Art and Drawing at Jahangirnagar University. An occupant of Dighinala, Khagrachari, he says he comes from an exceptionally basic family, with guardians and only two siblings, and no customary association with workmanship essentially. His work up to this point highlights private parts of life, culture and legacy of the people groups living in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

In a more seasoned world, it would have taken huge exertion and time and a ton of best of luck to take his craft and stories to a bigger crowd. Notwithstanding, because of the porousness of online media, especially Facebook in Bangladesh, and its tremendous admittance to individuals, everything being equal, Tufan remembered to utilize the space to depict his work, and has reached such countless individuals inside such a limited capacity to focus time. At first through his own record, yet upon support from his well-wishers, he opened a different page for his specialty, bringing in Tufan's Artbin-"artbin" being a mix of craftsmanship and receptacle, as a spot to just place his craft in.

"A many individuals are as yet ignorant about what our identity is. In certain spots where I visited, individuals gazed at me with interest or altogether inquired as to whether I were an outsider. My motivation is to achieve data individuals of the slope plots to more individuals. I need to enlighten individuals concerning the ways of life of individuals in the slopes and the relationship of the way of life of the slope individuals with nature, and amicable concurrence.

"The insults or gazes hurt me previously, as I would might suspect for what reason were they checking out me that way, yet presently as I have grown up as well, I feel an alternate sort of pitiful. I feel dismal for those individuals rather than myself, since I realize their conduct is from not-knowing, rather than whatever else. "I have a ton of thoughts in my mind, and will keep on seeking after this, particularly in the advanced craftsmanship space," Tufan said.

Here is to wishing all the karma and accomplishment to the craftsman and preservationist Tufan. Head to his page https://www.facebook.com/tufansArtbin to meet the craftsman and look at his astounding work of art.

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