Is it really possible to make income online? The real truth must be known - 2022

The question on my Facebook page is, "Is it really possible to make money online?" - Auto reply to this question is set. Although I do not check this questionnaire regularly on Facebook, sometimes I see who is quite enthusiastic about this question? I also see the Facebook profiles of the questioners. This includes students from Dhaka University, BRAC, and even BUET. What does it mean, they do not know, is it really possible to make money online?

You could say that there is no need for everyone to know everything. Yes, I agree with you. However, the country's best university gets the opportunity to identify the opportunity to match the opportunity, right? So why don't they know that it is possible to earn income online? I assume that even though they have knowledge of books, they have no idea about the rest of the world, so they ask such questions.

Now let's find out, is it really possible to make income online?

One question you have, do you do anything in vain? Buy something without any need? Do you invest somewhere that is not needed at all? How much is your investment? Millions to millions of rupees can be? But Google, Microsoft, Apple, or the big tech giants spend billions of dollars to create various services to work online. Is their interest-only human service or income? Are you using Facebook for socializing or communication but has Facebook or Meta just made such a big platform for this? Although they started with a common purpose. But now they are earning billions of dollars every year. How is this possible?

When you scroll through Facebook's newsfeed or messenger and see ads, you get a hefty sum from the advertiser instead of showing that ad. Everything that is earned in this world is advertising. They make money from advertising.

Excluding Facebook or tech giants. We have a data entry company in Habul Bhai where the quality of life of different people is surveyed by various NGOs, public or private, and the data in its form is recorded on the server. Which is called data entry. Since each form contains different information, this task cannot be performed by a robot. People work here. They help to record this data by sitting in Habul Bhai's office or by having an account on his website. Is it free? Certainly not. That is why they are getting money for every job. So you understand that income can be made online?

Many sites do not pay users to work. They cheat. In online language, they are called "scammers". Ordinary users know it as a real or fake site. The ones that are paying the users correctly day after day are gaining a reputation and are known as "Legit". Fake sites are called scam sites and good sites are called legit sites. If you are coming online for the first time, you will hear these two words a lot, but if you don't understand the meaning, it will go over your head.

Remember the present age is the age of information technology. If you work in an office in person then there is a chance of cheating and Mama Chacha has the option to show strength. But if you want to work online, you need to be skilled. Must be army trained. Because every day thousands of unemployed boys and girls are entering online and various organizations that have sprung up like a frog's umbrella are dreaming of earning lakhs of rupees by offering worthless courses for thousands of rupees. Do you think these are fakes? Money can be made online so these are happening. If you still feel that you can't make money online then you are living in a fool's paradise or living in a well.

The whole world thinks of a frog well, but outside the well, there is vastness and diversity. If you judge everything from the inside of the well, then the limits of your knowledge will be very small. You have to come out of the well and see from above. Then you will understand how small the well and your limits were and you have come to the sea of ​​vast knowledge. If you want to judge anything at every stage of life, then go beyond your own boundaries and then verify, then failure will not come.

If you want to build a career online in this age of competition, you must learn very well. You will spend a month preparing for the job of a little peon. No one is sitting with money online. There is a proverb that money flies in Dhaka. Have you ever seen a leaky note fly? Didn't see. It is a word or a proverb. But it has been used interchangeably. The thing is, if you can catch (if you can show qualification) then you can earn income. The same thing applies online. If you can work and work as per the choice of the client then you can earn income as per the demand. Now think, how many marketplaces or websites have you accounted for when you heard that you can earn income online but you can't earn a single penny? Because you are not qualified to work. Will you give your urgent work to an unqualified person to do it? Of course not. It will not work, but there is a good chance that it will be ruined.

Never test yourself as a victim. The person sitting on the other side will also think about what you would do if you were there. Then never admit mistakes online or offline.

Hopefully, you have come to understand that money does not fly online but it can be eaten and income can be made online. Those who say that income cannot be earned online are those people who are unqualified and rush to work without learning how to work online and fail and defame online. Now it is up to you to decide which team you will belong to, whether you will earn income online or you will always believe, "Income cannot be earned online, it is all lies and oppression".

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